“WORD: LIFE: An Opinionated Mixtape of Hip Hop Journalism” was held Feb. 20-21. Columbia Journalism School co-hosted the event with Critical Minded, the New York Public Library’s Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, and the Ford Foundation. Photos by Davaughnia Wilson & Francesca Maria Lorenzini.
Davaughnia is an Arts and Culture reporter for City Newsroom in New York City. She has experience in news, feature and magazine writing, as well as audio and video journalism.
DAVAUGHNIA WILSONhttps://citynewsroomcjs.com/author/dwilson/
DAVAUGHNIA WILSONhttps://citynewsroomcjs.com/author/dwilson/
DAVAUGHNIA WILSONhttps://citynewsroomcjs.com/author/dwilson/
DAVAUGHNIA WILSONhttps://citynewsroomcjs.com/author/dwilson/
Francesca is an Italian reporter covering politics for City Newsroom. She has reported in print, web, audio and video. Francesca speaks three languages.
FRANCESCA MARIA LORENZINIhttps://citynewsroomcjs.com/author/florenzini/
FRANCESCA MARIA LORENZINIhttps://citynewsroomcjs.com/author/florenzini/
FRANCESCA MARIA LORENZINIhttps://citynewsroomcjs.com/author/florenzini/
FRANCESCA MARIA LORENZINIhttps://citynewsroomcjs.com/author/florenzini/